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Dent Island Polyclinic Kusadasi, First of all, our patients, access to treatment and services that will increase their quality of life and patient benefit, as a corporate policy,
it is among our priorities...

Kusadasi Dent Island Polyclinic, firstly Implant, Aesthetic Dentistry, Prosthesis, Periodontology, Endodontics, Orthodontics and All Dentistry, Emergency Care Services. We Provide High Standards of Service...



Implant Treatment


Implant Treatment;

It is the specialty of the dentistry branch that diagnoses and controls the compatibility relations of mismatched and crooked teeth, tries to prevent this situation and treats it...

The treatment method is decided by considering the age of the patient for disorders such as the lower jaw being anterior or posterior. If the patient is in adolescence and the lower-upper jaw structure is behind, it can be treated with orthodontic techniques. If the patient is an adult, the treatment of skeletal disorders is carried out in cooperation with orthodontics and surgery. Depending on functional disorders, for example; Jaw mismatch can be observed in cases such as mouth breathing. In a person who breathes through the mouth, the upper part of the chin will be narrow, so it will be in a V form. Situations that should not be done and habits such as using bottles and pacifiers for a long time, thumb sucking, nail biting can cause orthodontic disorders. These habits should be treated as early as possible. The prevention of these habits at an early age is important for the completion of skeletal development. In cases such as the tongue being larger than it should be in terms of structure, the presence of extracted tooth cavities, causes tooth spacing. If the jaw structure to which the teeth are attached is small and the teeth are large; teeth do not fit in the jaw and confusion occurs. Early or late loss of primary teeth can also cause crooked teeth. Instead of the milk teeth that fall out of the mouth prematurely, the permanent tooth in the mouth slides into this space. As the teeth that need to come out cannot find a place for themselves, crowding occurs. You can think of dental implants as artificial tooth roots, usually made of titanium or titanium compounds, similar in shape to screws. When dental implants are placed in your jawbone, they fuse with your natural bone. They become a solid foundation to support one or more artificial teeth, called crowns. The purpose of this treatment is to replace the missing teeth and make usable teeth on them. Here We Are Dent Island Polyclinic and as The Dentist; Implant Treatment We Carry Out the Most Appropriate Treatment Process for You, Together...


Root Canal Treatment


Root Canal Treatment - Endodontics

The process of removing the damaged tissue due to untreated deep caries and purifying it from bacteria and filling and shaping the empty part with filling materials is called & canal treatment&. It is the method of removing the filamentous tissue in the center of the tooth, as it is popularly known as the dental nerve. The tooth damaged due to caries regains its normal function after root canal treatment.


The issue that patients are most anxious about is whether they will feel pain during the treatment. No matter how frightening this treatment method may seem to patients , it is no different from a simple filling. The treatment takes place by anesthetizing the patients tooth. Therefore, it is not a painful procedure. Thanks to the techniques applied today, the patient does not feel any pain during the treatment process.

The most important causes of pulp damage are:

  • cracked tooth,

  • deepening bruise,

  • Damage to the tooth caused by past or recent blows to the tooth.

When the pulp becomes infected or dies, if left untreated, an abscess can form at the root of the tooth, in the jawbone.

pus may accumulate. An abscess can destroy the bone surrounding the tooth, causing pain.

Root canal treatment is a difficult process and requires patience. The perfect progress of the process depends on the meticulous implementation of every step of the treatment. If this process is given due importance, there is no reason why the tooth should not stay in the mouth for many years.

With the effect of local anesthesia applied during root canal treatment, the patient feels numb. Because of this insensitivity, the incisors  eating should not be eaten, as they can damage the soft tissues. In particular, extremely hot and cold foods should be avoided.

Hard-shelled foods such as hazelnuts and walnuts should never be consumed with your tooth whose treatment has not yet been completed. Considering that hard objects can easily break even a healthy tooth, you may break your damaged tooth that is still in the treatment process.

Even if the temporary filling of your tooth is completed  and your pain is completely gone, the treatment should not be interrupted. It should be kept in mind that a tooth that is not filled with permanent filling may cause bigger problems after a few months.

Care should be taken to use the other part of the chin until the permanent filling is done. Even when temporary fillings harden, they can easily break and damage the surrounding tooth tissue.

Treatment consists of several steps, which may require more than one session depending on the situation. These steps are:

  • First, a hole is made in the back of the front tooth or in the crown of the molars or premolars.

  • After the diseased pulp is removed (pulpectomy), the pulp cavity and root canals are cleaned, enlarged and shaped for canal filling.

  • If more than one session is needed, temporary puncture the hole in the crown to protect the tooth between sessions filling done.

  • The temporary filling is then removed and the pulp cavity and canal are permanently filled. A tapered, rubbery material called gutta percha is inserted into each of the channels and usually held in place with cement (adhesive). Sometimes a metal or plastic rod can be placed inside the channel for structural support.

  • In the last step, a crown is placed on the tooth to restore its natural appearance and shape. If the tooth is broken, post application may be necessary to repair the tooth before placing the crown.

Here We Are Dent Island Polyclinicand as The Dentist; Root Canal Treatment We Carry Out the Most Appropriate Treatment and Process for You, Together...



Gum Treatment


Gum Treatment - Periodontology - Periodontitis

Periodontitis, also called gum recession or gum disease, is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue around the teeth and, if left untreated, can destroy the bone that supports an individuals teeth. Gum recession (periodontitis) can cause loosening or loss of teeth.

Gum recession (periodontitis) is a common but largely preventable condition. It is usually caused by poor oral hygiene and care. Brushing teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily and having regular dental examinations, It can both reduce the likelihood of developing gingival recession (periodontitis) and greatly increase the chances of successful treatment. In many cases, the development of gingival recession (periodontitis) begins with the formation of plaque, a sticky film made up of bacteria at its base. If this plaque is left untreated, it can eventually turn into periodontitis. Plaque forms on the teeth when starches and sugars in food interact with bacteria normally found in an individuals mouth. Brushing twice a day and flossing once a day can remove plaque buildup, but plaque builds up quickly. Plaque remaining on the teeth can harden below the gum line and become tartar, that is, tartar. Tartar is more difficult to remove than plaque and is full of bacteria. The longer plaque and tartar remain on your teeth, the more damage it can do. It is not possible to clean calculus by brushing and flossing. A professional dental cleaning is needed to remove it. Plaque can cause gingivitis, the mildest form of gum disease. Gingivitis is the name given to the irritation and inflammation of the part of the gum tissue around the base of the tooth. Gingivitis can be reversed with professional treatment and good oral care at home. Ongoing gingivitis can cause periodontitis. This causes pockets to form between your gums and teeth that fill with plaque, tartar, and bacteria. Over time, these pockets deepen and fill with more bacteria. If these deepening infections are left untreated, this results in both tissue and bone loss and can eventually lead to the loss of one or more teeth. Ongoing chronic inflammation can strain an individuals immune system.

Here We Are Dent Island Polyclinic and as The Dentist; Gum Treatment We Carry Out the Entire Process of Your Build Together...


Childrens Dental Treatment


Pediatric Dentistry - Pedodontics;

Also known as pediatric dentistry pedodonticsis a specialty of dentistry that deals with the oral and dental health of infants, children and young adults in the process from birth to the completion of permanent dentition.

The primary purpose of pedodontics is to treat the problems that have arisen, but to find the source of these problems and take measures to prevent them from occurring. The procedures applied for this purpose are called Preventive Dentistry. Regulation of preventive dentistry nutrition habits, correction of wrong eating habits, training on oral and dental hygiene, local fluorine ve fissure sealantIt includes operations and regular checks that can be applied to teeth such as .


Milk teeth contain more organic matter than normal teeth, so they are more prone to decay, they rot more easily and quickly. Children cannot interpret signals such as cold-hot sensitivity and mild pain, which can be seen in the early period of caries, in a timely manner. They realize the event only when the pain is unbearable, in which case it may be too late. Children cannot pay as much attention to oral care as adults. The childs dexterity, curiosity and parents attitude determine the tooth brushing habit. One of the mistakes that mothers make frequently is to use a pacifier or bottle with sugar, jam, etc. They are given to children by dipping them into foods such as sugary milk and fruit juice between sleep. Thus, the teeth become susceptible to decay due to nutritional irregularities.


The dentition periods in children can be examined to cover 3 different periods:

1) 0-6 years: The period of milk teeth:
Although milk teeth can be variable, they often start to erupt in the lower anterior region after an average of 6 months and are completed at approximately 3 years of age, although they may change. During this period, a total of 20 deciduous teeth (10 in the lower and 10 in the upper jaw) are placed symmetrically.

2) 6-12 years: Mixed dentition period:
It is the age range in which both milk molars and incisors are seen in the mouth at the same time.

Over time, the milk molars leave their places to the premolars, and they pass into the permanent dentition period.

3) 12 years and older: Permanent dentition:
In this period, the milk teeth completely fall and the permanent teeth take their place in the mouth, and the balance between the teeth and

This is the time when contacts are formed.

Your childs first teeth are called milk teeth. These teeth are very important as they allow the child to chew and help develop their speech. Milk teeth also serve to protect the permanent teeth that will come under them. Protecting the health of milk teeth prevents the need for orthodontic treatments in the future. Most importantly, a beautiful and healthy smile plays a role in the development of your childs self-confidence. If the problems in milk teeth are not treated, it can cause great problems.

Here We Are Dent  Island Polyclinic and as The Dentist; We carry out the whole process in Pedodontics, Pediatric Dental Treatments, Together with You...



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Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic Treatment;

Orthodontics; It is the branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of jaw, tooth and facial disorders. Orthodontist; Dentists who have specialized training on orthodontic disorders and their treatments are called. After 5 years of Dentistry education, people who have been involved in an Orthodontic specialization program for at least 4 years become orthodontists.  Orthodontic specialization requires a long-term training and practice.

Most of the patients primarily apply to the orthodontist with aesthetic concerns due to the crowding of the teeth. However, tooth crowding causes many problems besides aesthetics. Closure disorders, which we call malocclusion, are not only aesthetic problems, but also cause chewing and speech disorders. There is no age limit in orthodontic treatment.

Orthodontic treatment is done with the help of fixed or removable apparatus applied on the teeth  or on the jawbone. The shape of these apparatus is not optional, it is determined according to the requirements of the treatment. Movable devices, metal brackets, lingual brackets and clear plates are the treatment methods applied according to the case.

Here We Are Dent Island Polyclinic and as The Dentist; Orthodontic Treatment We Carry Out the Entire Process of Your Build Together...



Surgical Procedures

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20 Years Tooth Extraction...

Wisdom teeth, also called wisdom teeth, are the last adult teeth to erupt. This type of teeth, which are molars in the back of the jaw, usually cannot adapt to the jaw structure, causing abscess formation, pain and discomfort. Therefore, such teeth may need to be removed by dental surgery or normal tooth extraction. The basis of the problems caused by these teeth lies in the lack of space in the jaw for the tooth to come out. In addition to disrupting the structure of the jaw, wisdom teeth cause severe pain and adversely affect health. We recommend that you consult with our dentists and go through a check-up with the eruption of these teeth. Because teeth that are suitable for the jaw structure do not need to be extracted. However, in some cases, the teeth come out at the wrong angle due to the inappropriate jaw structure and become embedded in the gums or invisible when viewed from the outside. 

Sometimes the impacted wisdom tooth reveals itself with the pain it causes. In order to prevent the teeth and jaw structure from being exposed to negative factors, and to prevent problems such as abscesses or swelling, it is beneficial for you to be examined by our dentists regularly. With regular dental examination, the emergence and development of the tooth is monitored. In an unfavorable situation, the necessary intervention is done without damaging the teeth and mouth.

Impacted Tooth Extraction / Complicated Tooth Extraction...

Teeth that have not been able to develop and remain under the gum or bone are called impacted teeth. Small molars, canines, and wisdom teeth may remain under the gums or bones, and may be an impacted tooth. Impacted teeth that are not in a position to be intervened with orthodontic treatment may need to be extracted by maxillofacial surgeons. In this article, you can find answers to frequently asked questions about impacted teeth treatment. Before coming to the subject of extraction and treatment of impacted teeth, it is necessary to talk about how impacted teeth came to the extraction stage. The teeth, which are called 20-year-old teeth, are the most difficult teeth to brush and therefore hygiene. These teeth, which are easy to decay, can cause bad breath and different hygienic problems. In general, the following symptoms apply to an impacted tooth:

Here We Are Dent Island Polyclinic and as The Dentist; Gum Treatment We Carry Out the Entire Process of Your Build Together...

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Dental Prostheses


Precision Retained Prostheses...

These prostheses, which are called snap-on prostheses among the people; These are the prostheses that are preferred when there are many missing teeth and treatment with fixed prostheses is not possible. There are hidden retainers that fit into the prepared slots on the teeth. These holders provide a more aesthetic appearance as they do not look like hooks. The construction of this type of prosthesis is the same as the other prosthesis stages. It is necessary to come 4-5 times for stages such as measurement and rehearsal. This spreads over an average of 2 weeks. There are sensitive parts that fit into the prepared sockets on the teeth, which need to be taken care of while inserting and removing the precision attachment dentures. Prostheses, which are very tight when first made, can be put on and removed more easily over time. Since this type of prosthesis does not have metal parts, it is easier to get used to it. Although it is strange at first, after a certain period of time, most patients use these prostheses as if they were their own teeth. The cleaning of precision-connected (with snap fasteners) dentures is the same as other dentures. Functions such as biting, grinding and cutting can be easily performed with Precision Connected (Snap-snapped) dental prostheses. Because this type of prosthesis is made by taking support from both existing teeth and soft tissue. There is no problem with their retention. Attaching and removing operations should be done slowly and carefully, care should be taken not to damage the sensitive connection parts. It should be ensured that the prosthesis is fully seated, and then the jaw should be closed. The prosthesis should not be placed by closing the jaw, in this case, damage to the sensitive connection parts may occur. It is possible to repair the Precision Connected (Pins) prosthesis in case of both the body and teeth falling out. Depending on the condition of the fracture, it is repaired in 1-2 days. If the tires inside the sensitive joints are loose, they can be replaced, but if the sensitive joints are broken, it is difficult to repair.

Total Prostheses...

Fully tissue supported prosthesis applications are called total prosthesis. This type of prosthesis is also known as a palate prosthesis. In total prostheses, lip and cheek fullness can be achieved with the prosthesis to provide a younger appearance. In addition, it is possible to obtain a beautiful smile by aligning all teeth in accordance with aesthetic rules. Full dentures are mobile due to their support in the tissue. 

The lower palate has less volume than the upper palate, and in the lower jaw, the tongue makes the lower prosthesis more mobile than the upper prosthesis. General complaints of patients; My upper palate is stable, but my lower palate moves while eating and talking. Due to this movement, strokes often occur.  When all teeth are lost due to caries, trauma, bone resorption, full dentures are removable dentures with tissue support for the lower and upper jaws. In total prostheses, lip and cheek fullness can be achieved with a prosthesis and it is possible to have a younger appearance of the face. Full dentures are mobile due to their support in the tissue. In particular, the presence of the lower palate, the lower palate, the lower palate, the lower jaw, the lower prosthetic tongue, the tongue makes the upper prosthesis more mobile. In the past, the artificial teeth that make up dentures were made of porcelain or plastic, but more modern dentures are usually made of a hard resin. The materials used to make dentures are known to be more fragile than natural teeth and can easily chip or crack when dropped or not otherwise maintained. 

This material also wears out much faster than natural teeth and should therefore be replaced with a new set of dentures every five years. Total dentures, also known as full dentures, are dentures that replace all of your natural teeth. It can attach to your upper or lower gum line. You can hold it in place with the help of suction or an oral adhesive. They can be easily removed just like partial dentures.



Here We Are Dent Island Polyclinicand as The DentistGum Treatment We Carry Out the Entire Process of Your Build Together...

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Teeth Clenching and Grinding


Teeth Clenching and Grinding Treatment,

We have all experienced the problem of teeth clenching and grinding from time to time. In the face of stress and the neglected challenges of daily life, we often involuntarily grind our teeth in front of the computer while sleeping or working at night. The habit of clenching teeth is more common at night during sleep, and the person may not realize it himself until there is pain in the jaw joints and head and neck area.


You may think that clenching or grinding our teeth is perhaps psychologically beneficial. But the damage it causes to the mouth, teeth and jaw system, and the head and neck region is not limited to counting. Head and neck pain, back pain, pain in the jaw joints, in front of the ears, and headaches are among the discomforts caused by clenching or grinding teeth. It is known as one of the most important causes of migraine.

In advanced cases, severe abrasions on tooth surfaces and shortening of tooth lengths are observed in cases where tooth clenching or grinding activity is high. When the length of the teeth is shortened, the person closes their jaws more and has an old face appearance. Dentin sensitivity begins due to wear on the teeth. Cracks and fractures may occur in the tooth enamel. Because of excessive force gum recessions and even the teeth may wobble as a result of damage to the ligaments between the tooth and the jawbone. In cases where the jaw joint is damaged, there may be locking of the jaws, decreased mouth opening and pain when opening the mouth. When such complaints occur, otolaryngologists are usually visited first. If, as a result of the examinations and tests performed in this department, it is diagnosed that there is no problem with the ear, nose and throat, the patient is directed to the dentist. However, if you have complaints as we mentioned above, and if you suspect that you are suffering from teeth clenching or grinding, you should definitely visit your dentist. Teeth clenching or grinding is called “clenching & bruxism” in the literature and needs to be treated.

The Damages of Teeth Grinding to the Teeth

  • There are abrasions on the chewing surface of the teeth.

  • Discomfort in tooth enamel causes shortening of tooth length.

  • Sensitivity to cold, known as glare, appears on the teeth.

  • Sudden toothache occurs.

  • Loosening occurs in the bonds between the tooth and the bone holding the tooth, resulting in tooth loosening or shedding.

  • Broken teeth ve gum withdrawals occur.

  • Mouth sores, headaches, jaw pain also cause muscle pain in the temples and cheeks.

  • At the same time, it causes excessive force to the lower jaw joint (TME) (TMJ), causing damage to the joint disc. This situation leads to sounds when opening and closing the mouth from the joint in the future, and to jaw locking in the later stages.

These symptoms may not be seen from the beginning of teeth grinding, but they are problems that the person may encounter in the future.

Here We Are Dent Island Polyclinic and as The Dentist; Teeth Clenching and Grinding Treatment We Carry Out the Entire Process of Your Build Together...


Diş Adası Özel Sağ. Hiz. Turz. Taş. Gıda. San ve Tic. Ltd. Şti

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Turkmen Mah. 50. Yıl Caddesi No: 27/1-2

Kusadasi / Aydin / Turkey

Weekdays - Monday - Friday 09:00 – 18:00

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